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Anxious? Depressed? Challenged by Trauma?

Learn to take control of the anxiety in your life. End the sleepless nights and lying in bed all day drained of energy and the will to live.   

Book A FREE Chat 


Life can be so darned hard...

What's happening in your life?

Hiding beneath the duvet got you through yesterday. And the day before. It will get you through today as well. You won't have to talk to anyone. The dishes can pile up.  Your neighbour/mum/friend can do without you for another day or two. You just don't have to answer the phone.

Why does this keep repeating?

You feel so drained. You keep having nightmares. Your lonely heart is in so much pain.  It can be hard to open your eyes, slide from beneath the sheets and step out to greet the day. It can be hard to tell that endless string of words rattling in your head to: "SHUT UP!"  

When did this begin?

Something happened to begin this endless swirl down into the toilet.  Someone said something one too many times. You keep saying, "People keep leaving me." "Nothing works." "Doors slam in my face." "Life sucks." "Where's the point?" It seems far too difficult to take yet another emotional beating.

Who changed life for you?

Some people who are depressed have, at some time in their life, had a severe knock-back which began the anxious sensations. It may have started with a traumatic event, an assault (physically, emotionally or mentally). Or a bully.  Or a break-up.  Somehow, something just got the better of them.   

Who can help?

Who is going to help you out of this never-ending cycle of madness, badness and sadness?  You look around you and no one seems to give a jot about you.  Nobody loves you and, heck, no one even phones you to ask how you are doing. 

How we can help you manage it

You know that what you're going through is not right. That something needs to change. That you have a life you want to live.  The counselling we offer may be the key you need to a whole new you. What have you got to lose? A 15 min call will cost you nothing. And, the duvet will always be there.

We're here to help.


Healing Emotions 

We offer a complete counselling service. We know exactly what you're going through.  We operate from a position of experience, training and a willingness to help.  With the tools we have to hand, we aim to get to the emotional centre of the challenges you face, as quickly, easily and as painlessly as possible.  

We don't judge. Every person born on this earth has had a totally different experience. We have been trained in the most up-to-date psychotherapy techniques over a 20+ year time-frame, so we have a pretty good idea on how to pace your personality and aim to help you heal your emotional turmoil in a timeframe that's right for you.  

Book A Free Call


We Are Experts In Bringing You To Wellness

Online &


On your own or with a partner you can have therapy in-person at our clinic in Worcestershire, UK, or online via a Zoom call.  Either way, just book a FREE 15 minute phone call to find out what's right for you.  

Counselling & Courses

Our counselling and courses can provide you with professional guidance so you can find new ways to tackle the emotional challenges you face and the issues that have been troubling you. 

Presentations & Workshops

Worcestershire HG Therapy present workshops and presentations all over the UK and can give free presentations to local community groups.  To book, contact us today.

How can we help you?

Feeling anxious, depressed, can't sleep?

With over 20+ years of experience, higher education and continuous qualifications to keep up with what's going on in the mental health field, Worcestershire HG Therapy can help you...

  • Get a better quality sleep

  • Ease anxious thoughts and traumatic memories

  • Help you understand the cycle of depression

Our one and only goal will be to work with you on healing your mind and emotions, so you can create a better quality life for yourself.

Read All About It Here

Benefits Of Our Service

Clear Your Fear.


15 Minute Consultation


Discount on First Session



4.8 stars from over clients across the UK - see below, or...

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Here's how we've helped others.


"Thanks Kaye, this info is brill!! and I appreciate the time you took to relay it. I enjoy our sessions very much, as well as finding them very helpful in combating negative thinking and depression."

Susan, Nottingham


"Thanks for saving my life. I can see now how there's so much more to live for. I have a second chance and I won't screw it up thanks to you."

Gary, Kidderminster


"Used to think I was a failure when I was so anxious I couldn't find a man to love. Now I'm so much more confident that men seem to be attracted to me without me even trying!"

Diana, Surrey


"After an hour's therapy session with you, I returned home to find what we focused on during my session (as it had caused me so much anxiety for a whole year) was gone! Absolutely amazing!"

Andrea, Dundee


"After one session with you, I had to be reminded by my husband that I was afraid of flying. Didn't have any fear at all when we flew to Greece a week after our therapy session. Wonderful!" 

Natasha, Surrey


"I used to run out of the room when I saw a spider - but now I don't give them a second thought."

Keely, Surrey